The Free Black Women’s Library Reading Challenge/2023
The goal is to read (at least) 25 books by Black women or Black non-binary authors by Dec. 31. Readers of all ages are welcome to choose books from the following categories, and use this
spreadsheet to track your reads. Connect with book buddies over social media by using any or all of the hashtags -


A vintage Black Feminist/Womanist text (published before 2000)

A contemporary Black Feminist/Womanist text (published between 2000 & now)

LGBTQ author and/or content - fiction

LGBTQ author and/or content - nonfiction

A book by a revolutionary, community activist, political organizer, or abolitionist

A book on self-care, health, lifestyle strategy, or personal development

A romance or erotic novel

A book that centers on relationships between women

A young adult or middle schooler’s novel

An award-winning novel and/or classic

A debut or famous author’s first

Any book by Octavia Butler

Any book by Toni Morrison

A book by a Caribbean author

A book by an African author

A book that classifies as Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, or Fantasy

A book on Spirituality, Religion, Faith, or Ritual

A book with a name in the title

A book with a one-word title

A book that was published within the past year

A graphic novel or series of comic books

A memoir or autobiography

A book where characters speak Patois, Creole, Geechee, or AAVE

A book set in your hometown

A collection of poetry, short stories, essays, recipes, or prose

A book on Body Politics, Trauma, Autonomy, or Acceptance

A book on Migration, Travel, Location, or Place - fiction or non-fiction

A book on Disability or Neurodivergence - fiction or non-fiction

A book on Parenting or Child Advocacy

History, Historical Fiction, or Slave Narrative