TFBWL Storytime Series #7 Ounce of Charm by Jewelle Gomez (from the short story collection DON'T EXPLAIN)

Self Reflection Questions/Journaling Prompts/Discussion Points

1. When was the first time you felt pleasure in your body? Is there something specific you were doing? How old where you and how did it feel? Write a detailed account about the experience, share how it changed you and how it made you feel. Do you still experience pleasure in the same way you did then?

2. Spades, Poker, Uno, Bid Whist, Spit and so on what is your favorite card game to play with friends? What aspects of it do you find to be the most fun? If you don’t like card games, what is your favorite group activity to do at parties and why? Sidebar : I am a HUGE fan of Charades

3. What part of the body turns you on the most? What physical attribute do you find to be the sexiest in those you are attracted to? Eyes, lips, hands? Why do you think that is? Write about your favorite physical feature and share what you think draws you to it.

4. What is the strangest wildest thing you have ever done to bag a lover? Did it work?

5. What do you think is the sexiest thing about you? Would others agree? What is the sexiest thing that someone has done for you or to you? What's the sexiest thing that you have done for another person? If you haven't done anything specific as of yet, what would you like to do? Write/Share your most sensual and tender fantasies.

ritual: write an ode, poem or song dedicated to the part of your body you love the most, actively love on that body part at the same time of day for 7 days in a row with your words, actions and thoughts, this can be done through mirror work, touch, adornment, etc. Use your imagination and have fun.